Miso paste is one of the classic spices of oriental cuisine, which gives Japanese dishes their characteristic taste and aroma. In addition to its taste, Miso has a number of beneficial properties for our organisms. Find out how much health is hidden in the Japanese miso paste, see how to prepare an original dish based on a cup of OYAKATA Miso Ramen and…. enjoy your healthy meal!
Japanese miso paste is made from fermented soya with the addition of boiled rice. The fermentation process uses koji yeasts, which are known for their health-promoting properties. Koji, or literally “grains covered with yeast culture”, is a natural probiotic, which supports the functioning of our body in the same way as – popular in Polish cuisine – silage, yoghurts or kefirs. With the content of beneficial strains, miso has a beneficial effect on our immunity, strengthens bones, regulates digestion and supports purification of the body from toxins.
With its structure and colour, the paste resembles clay, it is salty and very durable. The specific taste of the miso is sometimes compared to pumpernickel, but depending on the method of production of the paste they differ in the degree of sweetness, earthiness, and are sometimes more spicy or fruity. They are usually added to soups and sauces, because they give them a typical, cloudy texture.
You will surely discover the characteristic aroma of miso in a cup of OYAKATA Miso Ramen. Use its unique taste and prepare an original noodle pancake with steak and vegetables stir fry!